Wednesday, February 1, 2017

In praise of the Burka ?

The blogger know as the Anti-Puritan writer :
"The Middle Eastern burka reduces sexual competition among women, and between men over women, by removing the display of the female body from public view. This opens up the environment for greater commitment between the sexes and pleasure.

The woman who bans the burka creates one type of freedom and destroys another. She creates the freedom to be sexual in public and destroys the freedom to not be objectified — not at least, if she wants to attract the attentions of a male. Since she is in "skin competition" with other women to display her body in order to attract attention, if she dresses modestly she does not attract attention. And so by eliminating the burka she has forced herself to show her body for male attention.

..."freedom of choice" is slavery to sexual objectification... It's effect is to make commitment impossible

Every woman is enslaved to promiscuity and this is branded as female sexual freedom.... The total absence of choice to marry become the perverse celebration of "choice" as an absolute ideal."

With no boundaries all erotisim is lost, it makes sense to me because Uber feminist Naomi Campbell notes how the Orthodox Jews have the best sex life, only the woman's husband is allowed to see her hair, no one, not even children, are allowed in the bedroom, and by having these strict taboos it creates this incredible erotic tension. And actually all sexual erotic needs restrictions to function. Hence in a completely loose Society sex is utterly boring, it loses its excitement, so the transgressions must constantly be increased.

He goes on :

"The Indian caste system restricts female hypergamy by confining women to selecting a mate within a small group. The western political prohibition of premarital sex forces people into committed relationships so they can achieve enjoyment. The Middle Eastern burka reduces sexual competition among women, and between men over women, by removing the display of the female body from public view. This opens up the environment for greater commitment between the sexes and pleasure. Tribes and small towns restrict sexual competition through population size limitations. Anabaptists restrict choice through a rural lifestyle. Other groups restrict competitive choice through arranged marriages, bride buying, or matchmaking with a chaperone. Even Scientology has a process for restricting sexual competition between its members."

Of course  the Burka is excessive and demeaning, the point is both are means of controlling woman's sexuality. Both result in hyper sexualized society, the Burka itself increases erotism to the point that Muslim men demanded women stop wearing hard boots because the sound distracted them with sexual temptation !
It makes sense though, since a woman's sexuality terrorize men once her personhood is denied, all that's left IS a sexual object. ALL of her must then be hidden, since she is JUST a sexual object.

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