Sunday, July 18, 2021

Why do Christians think the Bible has prophecy’s about the modern state of Israel ?

Many wonder, why do Christians think the Bible has prophecy’s about the modern state of Israel ?

Here’s what happened. Christians claimed various prophecies in the OT were fulfilled by Jesus Christ coming as the Messiah and the various events surrounding that time - the destruction of the Temple and others.

Well, the Israelite religion was made up not numerous various sects, each with their own unique beliefs and their own idea of which books were legitimate. In 70 ad the Temple was destroyed, and many of these sects dependent upon it ended right there and then.

Two Israelite sects survived though, the Pharisee’s, that became today’s Rabbinic Judaism, and the sect that believed Jesus was the Messiah, which become Christianity.

For example People unfamiliar with the differences between modern Rabbinic Judaism & ancient Israelite religion may be surprised to learn that trinitarian thought is perfectly Jewish.

It is the unitarian monotheism of Rabbinic Judaism that is the innovation in the centuries after Christ, not the doctrine of the Holy Trinity. You can read more about that HERE

Indeed, today it’s commonplace to hear scholars today argue that it is Rabbinic Judism, with the Talmud codified in the 5th C, that is much more of a "new religion" than Christianity, which theologically is more continuous with many of the Judaisms at the time, HERE the great Jewish scholar Jacob Yuval speaks also of the rituals Rabbinic Judaism actually took from Christianity.

Indeed, Christianity is a continuation of the Israelite religion, while modern rabbinic Judaism is deviation.

There was also briefly a sect immediately after the Temple’s destruction who believed Shimon bar Kokhba was the Messiah, even the famous Rabbi Akiva thought so.

Now, plenty at that time knew the prophesies of Daniel, Isiah, and Ezekiel, that the Israelites would be destroyed, a small remnant left, which the gentiles, unbelievably, would then join to worship Israel's God, at which point the nations would come to worship as well.

Well, that kind of looks like exactly what happened back then.....

BUT, obviously the Rabbinic Jews didn't think Jesus was the Messiah, so they strategically chose only certain texts for the Tanakh, with particular translations, even changing certain original words, so that what we apply to Jesus they apply to Israel in the future.

St Justin Martyr famously recorded all this with his dialogue with Typho the Jew in the 2nd Century.

One example, - who is the seed of Abraham ? Well, in the original Greek it is singular, meaning it refers to one person, which Paul believe is Christ. He didn’t make that up. This was how it was understood, Chronicles also, after noticing David’s dynasty did not last forever but was wiped out, states the promise to Abraham’s offspring must refer to some individual that will raise a new dynasty from David’s line.

Well, the Jews translated seed as plural in the Hebrew and tossed out the Book of Chronicles.



Ok. Now, centuries later, Luther comes, knows the Catholic Latin translation is corrupt, finds the Greek Orthodox fleeing the destruction of Constantinople, and uses the Orthodox New Testament....

BUT, the Greeks don't have the OT with, he goes to the Jews, and uses their translation, which is the very one they used to deny Jesus is the Messiah, applying these passages to Israel !

Flash forward, evangelicals toss out more OT books to print a cheaper Bible….complete ignorance of centuries of Israelite history…..and you get a million insane endgame prophesies…Luther, Jonathan Edwards, and thousands today, all certain that NOW is the time these prophecies are happening…and all wrong again and again.

But, many of these prophesies have already come true, which I’ve written about HERE.

Of course, if you’re missing several centuries of history, haven’t read the book of maccabees etc, the sure, you’re going to apply, say, the prophecies of Daniel not to the coming of christ but to some future fantasy scenario involving the state of Israel.

The other factor was the “zionist Bible” - the Scofield Bible. Scofield was neither a pastor nor a scholar, but a lawyer, position, and con-man who left his wide and family for a younger women ands even spent 6 months in prison for forgery.

Scofield's role was to re-write the King James Version of the Bible by inserting Zionist-friendly notes in the margins, between verses and chapters, and on the bottoms of the pages.

With limitless advertising and promotion, especially by Samuel Untermeyer a Jewish wall street lawyer who would later be famous for being in the American Jewish Committee, it became a best-selling "bible" in America and has remained so for 90 years.

He actually copywrited it ! And made a fortune. Now, there was also no "State of Israel" when Scofield wrote his original notes in 1908, so they merely added references to Israel as a state were added AFTER 1947, and removed a few other things.

For more on the traditional Christian idea of who Israel is, I’ve written on that HERE

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